Cooper Union Climate Initiative Survey

    This survey is in two parts. The first asks for your interest and experience in any aspect of climate change/global warming (technical, financial, political, social, legal, etc.), including all areas of Architecture, Art, and Engineering. The second part asks for information about yourself. Please complete all sections you are comfortable providing. A few are required.

    We invite all alumni with an interest in climate change issues to join the group.  Those with experience in this work may be particularly helpful to Cooper students.

    Are you willing to receive follow-up emails from the group?
    Are you willing to receive follow-up emails from the group?
    Are you interested in joining CUCI?
    Are you interested in joining CUCI?
    What is your level of concern about climate change/global warming?
    What is your level of concern about climate change/global warming?
    Does the company you are involved with offer summer internships for CU students in a climate related field? (No obligation is implied)
    Does the company you are involved with offer summer internships for CU students in a climate related field? (No obligation is implied)
    If you have experience in an aspect of climate change, would you be willing to give a lecture, or participate in a panel discussion, for Cooper students?
    If you have experience in an aspect of climate change, would you be willing to give a lecture, or participate in a panel discussion, for Cooper students?
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